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Unwavering Love
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πŸ’Œ His Heart Broke For You

Good Morning, Did you know that when Jesus died on the cross, His heart actually broke for you? The thought that as He died, His heart broke for us just shows us the amount of unwavering love He has for us. Read this week's post to learn more. πŸ“ Read the full blog post here As for our upcoming study, I am getting more and more excited about it. As I have studied and started writing the lessons, I am once again amazed by the goodness of God. Witnessing His work in even the smallest details...

Good Morning, Have you ever found yourself on a path so challenging that you wanted to give up, only to be rewarded with something truly breathtaking at the end? That's how I feel about hiking Lava Lake. With every upward step, I remind myself of the stunning blue waters that await meβ€”a sight that makes all the struggle worthwhile. In today's blog post, "Our Need For A Savior," I draw a parallel between hiking and our faith journeys. Just as the hike to Lava Lake is filled with obstacles, our...

Good Morning, I hope you are having a great week. I know it might be hard to believe since we had snow in June, but it's so hot here. To escape the heat, my daughter, and a couple of friends decided to float the river. Well, we did not get very far because our float had a hole. But God! As the float began to fill with water, a wonderful man helped pull us to shore, got us out of the water and drove us back to my car. We don't want to experience that again, but God protected us every step of...

Hi Reader Our study on the Culture of Revival has been amazing. I know, I am biased. I think my daughter is doing an amazing job. But, others have shared with me too how much the class has challenged them and encouraged them to live surrendered to God. Last night, watching the class pray for one another did something within me. I felt a shift in the room, and I loved getting to pray for those that joined us online. If you still want to join, I've recorded all the classes and you can watch...

Hi Reader Have you ever heard God speak, but had no clue what it meant? Sometimes, the message is clear, but other times it leaves us puzzled, waiting for the message to unfold. You're not alone. In this week's post, "Revival Fire Fall," I explore one of my favorite biblical revivals mentioned in Acts 2. The disciples had witnessed Jesus' miracles, death, and resurrection, and now they were waiting for the promised Holy Spirit. What happened next was beyond their wildest imaginations. Read...

Hi Reader Have you ever wondered how God wants to use you? When I first married a pastor, all I could do was wonder how God would use me. I had married someone who knew exactly what God had called him to do and here I was, just realizing what Jesus had done for me and I felt lost. I met some amazing women who helped me seek God more deeply. These women had a love for our city and longed to see revival. Each week, we would drive through the city and pray. I did not get a distinct call on my...

Hi Reader I hope you are having a great weekend. Not only do I have a blog post for you on Revival, but I also have a special request and Facebook is not showing my post about it. This week on the blog I continue my series on revival. We look at another Old Testament revival. It's proof that God can change a nation with just one person, even an eight-year-old king. Read the blog here. Now for my request... my sweet friend Rebecca needs our help. For the past five years, she’s been fighting...

Hi Reader This has been another fabulous week! Why? Because I got to do something I once thought Lyme Disease had taken from me. When Sam and I lived in Orlando, one of our favorite things to do was to go to ride roller coasters. Yep, we dropped the kids off at school on Fridays, drove to the theme parks, and then showed back up to get them off the bus. We had so much fun doing that together. When Lyme Disease came my balance was gone. Even up till a year ago, if I turned around too fast I...

Hi Reader We have had the most beautiful weather this weekend. I have my garden planted and got to spend time with my horse today. Things are great. It's nice when things feel like they are on track because we all know that is not how it always is. This week's post is on how we can be effective for God's kingdom, even when life does not feel all is well. On another note, I hope you saw in last week's email about our upcoming class. I am really excited about it and hope you will join us. See...

Hi Reader Have you desired to see revival, or wondered how revivals begin? Well, I am so excited to share with you our next class! My daughter, Gwyneth, is going to teach a five-week class called "The Culture of Revival." She will share some of what she has learned over the past few years in missions. I would love for you to join us either in person or online. Click here for more information. As you may have seen on my Facebook page, we had more snow this week, but that led me to write this...