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πŸ’Œ I'm asking for your help.

Hi Reader I hope you are having a great weekend. Not only do I have a blog post for you on Revival, but I also have a special request and Facebook is not showing my post about it. This week on the blog I continue my series on revival. We look at another Old Testament revival. It's proof that God can change a nation with just one person, even an eight-year-old king. Read the blog here. Now for my request... my sweet friend Rebecca needs our help. For the past five years, she’s been fighting...

9 days agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Hi Reader This has been another fabulous week! Why? Because I got to do something I once thought Lyme Disease had taken from me. When Sam and I lived in Orlando, one of our favorite things to do was to go to ride roller coasters. Yep, we dropped the kids off at school on Fridays, drove to the theme parks, and then showed back up to get them off the bus. We had so much fun doing that together. When Lyme Disease came my balance was gone. Even up till a year ago, if I turned around too fast I...

17 days agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Hi Reader We have had the most beautiful weather this weekend. I have my garden planted and got to spend time with my horse today. Things are great. It's nice when things feel like they are on track because we all know that is not how it always is. This week's post is on how we can be effective for God's kingdom, even when life does not feel all is well. On another note, I hope you saw in last week's email about our upcoming class. I am really excited about it and hope you will join us. See...

23 days agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Hi Reader Have you desired to see revival, or wondered how revivals begin? Well, I am so excited to share with you our next class! My daughter, Gwyneth, is going to teach a five-week class called "The Culture of Revival." She will share some of what she has learned over the past few years in missions. I would love for you to join us either in person or online. Click here for more information. As you may have seen on my Facebook page, we had more snow this week, but that led me to write this...

about 1 month agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Hi Reader I love the new life spring has to offer. The flowers remind me of how intricately God created everything. In Montana, you don't want to plant anything in a garden until labor day. Yes, it can still snow at any moment. I am so antsy though, waiting to get my plants in the garden. Until then, I am admiring what is growing on their own. Which leads us into this week's post. Did you know tulips represent unconditional love? In Him, Jen Read "Unconditional Love" Here From one of my...

about 1 month agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Hi Reader The last 48 hours have been the best! Friday, my kids all took off work to spend my birthday with me. We had the best time together. Then I had a wonderful first. I saw the Northern lights. Then a friend and I went to Yellowstone. Usually on a single visit, you see Bison, elk and, if you're lucky, one other animal. But yesterday we saw... Lots of Bison and babies 5 Grizzly Bears 4 Brown Bears and this one was nursing her cubs. 2 Wolves Lots of Elk and Antelope And the best of all,...

about 1 month agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Hi Reader We are five days into Lyme Awareness Month. To try and help bring awareness I shared my story on Facebook Live this week. The video is still posted if you want to head over and watch it. Click here to see it. I did receive messages from some of you thanking me fore sharing some of the symptoms. The ones I mentioned were minimal in comparison to the many known symptoms. If you would like to see a more extensive list you can see them here. If you ever have questions please never...

about 2 months agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Hi Reader We had such a great week on our cruise. I had one minor hiccup but you can read about that in this week's blog post. For the most part, the weather was gorgeous and in the 70s. The time spent with my sister was wonderful. We don't live close, so when we can get away together, it's a wonderful time to catch up. The trip would have been even better if my other sister could have joined us. Make sure to check out the post to see more pictures or head over to Instagram or Facebook. The...

2 months agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Hi Reader This is the time of year where we get teased with beautiful spring weather and then a snowfall. I love spending time in the yard and this year I have already started some seeds indoors, so I can have a garden. If any of you have a green thumb, I would love to hear some of your tips for a successful garden. Just reply to this email. I eagerly await to hear from you. Teaching Genesis has brought me so much joy. I have studied more than I ever thought possible, and God has revealed so...

3 months agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Hi Reader As we begin the sixth week of Lent, we find ourselves on the cusp of Holy Week, the most profound period of our Christian journey. This week, we reflect on the culmination of our Lenten pathβ€”a time that calls us to deeper contemplation, prayer, and participation in the sacred mysteries of our faith. This week is an invitation to walk alongside Jesus from the triumphal entry into Jerusalem to the solemnity of His crucifixion and the glorious hope of His Resurrection. It's a time to...

3 months agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read
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